Springer Publishing has re-released four books in the popular "Cherry Ames" nursing series. Originated by Helen Wells, a social worker turned full-time writer, Cherry Ames' adventures in nursing and mystery-solving continued through 27 titles, a second author, Julie Tatham, and publication around the world in countries such as Great Britain, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Japan, France, Italy, Holland, and Bolivia.
Originally published by Grosset & Dunlap from 1943 to 1968, Springer's four-volume set includes the first four titles in the series: Student Nurse, Senior Nurse, Army Nurse, and Chief Nurse. The books feature the original cover art by Ralph Crosby Smith in a soft-finished hardcover format, and introduce Cherry as an idealistic 18-year-old who yearns to make a difference. Cherry leaves home for 3 years of nursing school, then into the armed services, where she eventually becomes Chief Nurse even as she pushes the limits of authority and solves mysteries. Series editor Harriet Schulman Forman, EdD, RN, remains a devoted fan of Cherry Ames, who inspired her to become a nurse. "Nothing else would do," she says.
The books are available from Springer individually for $14.95 or as a boxed set for $39.95. For more information, visit Springer on the Web at http://www.springerpub.com.