
  1. Goodwin, Melanie MN, RN

Article Content

Have you wanted to create new and exciting course assignments for your students but just do not know where to begin? That is exactly how I found cinemeducation. Quite simply, students watch a movie and complete an assignment based on what they observed. Cinemeducation exposes students to diverse populations, challenges students to learn outside their comfort zones and expands their perspectives, allows for integration and application of theoretical knowledge, provides choice, and promotes creativity and pride in work. Cinemeducation may assist some students to overcome their fear or anxiety in working with persons and situations different from what they are familiar with and even enhance methods of communication. Using a different movie selection each time a course is offered promotes longevity for your assignment, may reduce potential situations of plagiarism, and allows you to use other media, such as documentaries and sitcoms. Wherever you have an observed assessment, you can use media for students to watch and reflect upon. This provides a platform for creating nursing diagnoses and interventions, and exploration of nursing ethics, confidentiality, privacy, professionalism, and advocacy. You do not need to have a character in a movie who is a nurse to identify these important concepts. Equity, diversity, and inclusion concepts can be learned through cinemeducation. Challenge yourself with something new[horizontal ellipsis]give cinemeducation a try!