
health disparity, mammogram, mammography, rural, Theory of Planned Behavior



  1. Steele, Susan K.
  2. Porche, Demetrius J.


Background: Louisiana ranks 50th as the least healthy state in the United States. Although limited healthcare access may explain part of the health disparity related to mammography utilization, there is no research to elucidate mammography intention among rural Southeastern Louisiana women.


Objective: To test the Theory of Planned Behavior to predict mammography intention among rural women in Southeastern Louisiana.


Methods: A correlation study design with multiple regression and path analysis was used. The sample consisted of 302 women, between the ages of 40-74 who were without a prior history of breast cancer, able to read English, and able to respond to a written questionnaire.


Results: Path analysis confirmed the direct and indirect relationships of mammography intention ([chi]2 = 26.2, p > .10, Comparative Fit Index =.968). Regression analysis computed the model path coefficients ranging from [beta] .176 to .640. Overall, the Theory of Planned Behavior explained 24% of the variance.


Discussion: Perceived behavioral control was the strongest predictor of mammography intention. A woman's attitude towards mammography and referent motivation needs further explanation prior to the development of an intervention to increase mammography intention and use.