
  1. Mason, Diana J. PhD, RN, FAAN, editor-in-chief

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Presidential endorsements, patient safety, and the rising incidence of nursing work being done by nonnurses were among the topics discussed at the ANA House of Delegates meeting on June 17 to 19, in Washington, DC. Decisions included the following:


* Reaffirming the ANA's current policy, 78% of the delegates rejected a resolution for the ANA not to endorse a presidential candidate. The resolution arose from the ANA's endorsement of Senator John Kerry in the 2004 presidential election, which prompted some members to question whether the benefits of such endorsements outweigh the risks, such as alienating members who do not support the endorsed candidates.


* A resolution was adopted that calls on the ANA and all nurses to view nurses' participation in torture and abuse as an egregious violation of the Code of Ethics for Nurses, to affirm prisoners' and detainees' "right to health care and humane treatment," to report evidence of torture and abuse, and to counsel and support nurses who speak out about such acts.


* The delegates adopted a resolution that called for the ANA to act upon recent research that links nurses' fatigue with patient and nurse safety. This includes urging nurses to look at scheduling practices and working conditions that minimize nurse fatigue. They also reaffirmed the ANA's pursuit of legislation that would limit forced overtime.


* Noting that RNs are being replaced by nonnurses in ambulatory and community care, the delegates overwhelmingly voted to support a resolution that would require the ANA to address this issue.