
  1. Graham, Garth K. MD

Article Content

I'm a bit concerned by an impression given in "Nine Myths of Incontinence in Older Adults" (A New Look at the Old, June). It's implied that total urinary incontinence is a significant disability with a heavy impact on quality of life. However, my experience has been different.


Following radical prostate cancer surgery in 1989 at age 64, I became incontinent except at night, when only minor urine leakage occurs. With the use of pads, I have maintained a normal and vigorous life. I've made 15 to 20 trips overseas, both for business and for pleasure. I've traveled to Japan, New Zealand (six weeks on a freighter), and also to Alaska on several occasions to visit my son. In short, there are a few inconveniences, but the general pessimism expressed in the article is just not justified.


Garth K. Graham, MD


West Chester, PA