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* There's only one correct answer for each question. A passing score for this test is 7 correct answers.
This article has been approved by the Orthopaedic Nurses Certification Board for Category B credit toward recertification as an ONC.
* For questions, contact Lippincott Professional Development: 1-800-787-8985.
* Registration deadline is June 7, 2024.
Lippincott Professional Development will award 2.0 contact hours for this nursing continuing professional development activity.
Lippincott Professional Development is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.
This activity is also provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP 11749 for 2.0 contact hours. Lippincott Professional Development is also an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the District of Columbia, Georgia, and Florida, CE Broker #50-1223. Your certificate is valid in all states.
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LEARNING OUTCOME: Healthcare providers will demonstrate knowledge of the urgency of addressing increasing physical inactivity trends to prevent diseases and promote health among individuals and populations by achieving a minimum score of 70% on the outcomes-based posttest.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: After completing this continuing professional development activity, the participant will be able to apply knowledge gained to:
1. Synthesize the current state of science regarding the impact of sedentary behaviors on physiological systems and their relationship to negative health outcomes among adults.
2. Identify the potential biological pathways that may help explain the pathogenesis of sedentary behavior.
3. Discern the need to displace total daily sitting time with frequent short episodes of light-to-moderate intensity physical activity.
1. As described by Church et al (2011) and Owen et al (2010), over the past decades, whether at work, home, school, public spaces, or traveling, our environments have been increasingly redesigned to
a. promote interpersonal interaction and social connectedness.
b. maximize physical activity as an integral aspect of daily life.
c. reduce energy expenditure and movement requiring large muscle groups.
2. What term did the author use for standing, gardening, or "incidental movement" requiring an energy expenditure greater than 1.5 up to 2.9 metabolic equivalents?
a. light-intensity physical activity
b. sedentary behavior/physical inactivity
c. sedentary episode
3. Panahi & Tremblay (2018) found mounting evidence over the past twenty years indicating that sedentary behavior requiring very low energy expenditure and absence of whole-body movement is a major contributing factor in the development of cardiometabolic disorders, certain cancers, or all-cause mortality
a. in individuals with body mass index (BMI) >= 25.
b. for those with lower levels of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA).
c. even if an individual meets the recommended MVPA guidelines.
4. Results of the study by King (2016) found that diabetes, metabolic syndrome, elevated blood pressure, and increased waist circumference were linked to
a. incidents of prolonged bedrest.
b. sitting time >= 10-minute episodes.
c. sitting time > 30-minute episodes.
5. A meta-analysis of 857,581 participants by Shen, et al (2014) showed an increased risk of colorectal, lung, breast, and endometrial cancer risk related to sedentary behavior
a. and overweight regardless of other risk factors.
b. among participants who did not meet MVPA guidelines.
c. independent of BMI, physical activity, and energy intake.
6. Skeletal muscle lipoprotein lipase (LPL) is an enzyme that binds to lipoproteins when present on the vascular endothelium and plays an important role in the regulation of
a. plasma triglycerides and cholesterol.
b. vasoconstriction and blood pressure.
c. innate anticancer immunity.
7. The primary site for insulin-mediated glucose uptake in the postprandial state, responsible for about eighty percent of the uptake of glucose, and an initiating defect for insulin resistance and impaired glucose metabolism is
a. smooth muscle.
b. skeletal muscle.
c. vascular endothelium.
8. Alibergovic et al (2010) found that nine days of bed rest in healthy young men resulted in
a. increased expression of genes involved in inflammation and endoplasmic reticulum stress.
b. altered gene expression that was normalized after one week of MVPA training.
c. had a statistically insignificant effect on insulin resistance and gene expression.
9. What intervention by Healy et al (2015) resulted in participants' decreased BMI and waist circumference, lower triglycerides, and higher HDL-cholesterol?
a. 3 times per week one hour low-intensity walking and weight training sessions
b. displacing 2 hours sitting time with equivalent increases in stepping time
c. 30 minutes daily MVPA with disregard to sedentary activity remainder of the day
10. Which of the following does the author conclude may be the most feasible and effective method for promoting optimal health for individuals and populations across all age groups?
a. concentrating as much as possible on regular episodes of MVPA to meet activity goals.
b. eliminating high volume sitting time and alternating light-to-moderate with high-intensity activity
c. an all-day approach replacing as much sedentary time as possible with any type of physical activity