
chemotherapy, mucositis, oral cancer, radiotherapy



  1. Czreninski, Rakefet DMD
  2. Kaplan, Ilana DMD


This review presents updated concepts of the etiology, epidemiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis, and treatment of oropharyngeal cancer, with special emphasis on the impact of cancer treatment on oral functions. Leukoplakia, lichen planus, tobacco, alcohol, and dietary habits are among the factors predisposing for oropharyngeal cancer. Radiotherapy and chemotherapy are associated with toxic effects such as mucositis, dysphagia, taste disturbances, hyposalivation, infections, and accelerated dental decay. Surgery is associated with problems in airway management, mastication, swallowing, speech, and cosmetic appearance which, significantly compromise the quality of life. The efforts to improve prevention and early diagnosis and to develop less devastating treatment modalities should continue.