
  1. Alemi, Farrokh PhD
  2. Baghi, Heibatollah PhD


In the Spring 2005 issue of Quality Management in Health Care, Borckand et al examined the performance of Tukey's chart in a simulated environment. Unfortunately, the simulated environment does not reflect the type of settings where Tukey's chart has been proposed to be most effective. Tukey's charts are ideally used on relatively small data sets. In these data sets, we hypothesize that it is unlikely to have the high autocorrelations simulated in the Borckand et al study. Furthermore, Tukey's chart will perform well in data coming from non-Normal or non-Uniform distributions. The simulation study was based on random numbers generated with Uniform or Normal distributions. We encourage Borckand et al to examine the performance of Tukey's chart in the modified circumstances.