
Evaluation, Learning management system, Nursing education, Online learning, Software, Technology, Video streaming



  1. Gazza, Elizabeth A. PhD, RN, LCCE, FACCE, ANEF
  2. Theriault, Lisa BA
  3. Oyarzun, Beth PhD


Nursing students in an online degree completion program experienced challenges using a video platform to complete a two-part applied learning assignment in a learning management system. This article describes an interdisciplinary approach to selecting the video platform that required the least technical support for students and therefore was most likely to keep their focus on learning. An interdisciplinary team consisting of a nurse faculty member, technology applications specialist, instructional designer, and learning management system administrator collaborated to redesign the assignment and evaluate three video platforms. For part 1 of the video-based assignment, 97% (n = 106) of the students successfully submitted a video using one of the three platforms. Less than one-quarter (23%) required additional support beyond detailed instructions. Due to limitations, only students using one of the three platforms were able to view classmates' recordings and complete part 2 of the assignment. Although one platform was the most supportive for students, it was less helpful for faculty due to integration issues. Findings indicate that an interdisciplinary approach can lead to the selection of a video platform that supports the pedagogy and minimize support needs to students. Faculty teaching online can use this approach when integrating media and other technology into their online classrooms.