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* In her post "What Do Nurses Need?" AJN contributing editor Theresa Brown offers six ideas to address the crisis in nursing and health care thrown into sharp relief by the pandemic (https://wp.me/p7sy0l-7SB).
* "Age doesn't have as much to do with gaining experience as a willingness to put yourself out there and learn as much from mistakes as from successes," writes nurse and artist Julianna Paradisi in her post "Learning on the Fly: Thoughts on Birding and Nursing During a Pandemic" (https://wp.me/p7sy0l-7Tv).
* In her post "The 'Clog Kick': In Trying Times, Adapting to the Loss of a Palliative Care Team's Essential Rituals," nursing professor and palliative care NP Sarah Rossmassler discusses how COVID-19 affected the rituals that keep colleagues connected (https://wp.me/p7sy0l-7QF).
"A big problem is that federal and state regulations (or lack of them) have allowed the 'de-nursing' of nursing homes." "Next year's conference season should be packed with 'lessons learned' from COVID and innovative ideas on how to improve the population's health and the health care system."
* Monthly highlights: Listen to AJN editors discuss the contents of the May issue.
* Behind the article: Editor-in-chief Shawn Kennedy speaks with Kerry Shields and Kristin Atlas, coauthors of "Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children: A Review."Senior clinical editor Christine Moffa speaks with Crystal Morales, coauthor of "Providing Care for Caregivers During COVID-19."
* Conversations: Shawn Kennedy speaks with Howard Catton, chief executive officer of the International Council of Nurses (ICN), about major issues facing nurses and the ICN's postpandemic priorities.AJN editorial board member and school nurse Robin Cogan speaks with nurse researcher Shoshana Aronowitz about her unique career pathway.
* Reflections: Listen to a reading of Janey Eden Kottler's personal essay, "Built for This."