Article Content

New Award Announced: The Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy (JGPT) is extremely pleased to join APTA Geriatrics in the announcement of a new, annual "JGPT Best Article" Award! From a list of all the articles published in the prior year, the Editorial Team selects a short list of candidate articles for the award. Members of the Editorial Board and Editorial Team then vote to select the best article. This award is an additional way to recognize deserving authors who submit high quality manuscripts to the JGPT. Congratulations to the winners of the 2021 JGPT Best Article Award, Gunay Ardali, PT, PhD, Rebecca States, PhD, Lori Brody, PT, PhD and Ellen Godwin, PT, PhD! Their study, "Characteristics of Older Adults who are Unable to Perform a Floor Transfer: Considerations for Clinical Decision-Making", was published in the JGPT last year (Jour Geriatr Phys Ther, 2020. 43(2):62-70.)


Journal Club Growth: The APTA Geriatrics Journal Club, a big idea brought to life by Marianna Wingood, PT, DPT, PhD-c and the APTA Geriatrics Special Interest Groups, has blossomed into an online, webinar-format event that occurs six times per year. Each Journal Club features a recently published JGPT article presented by an author, and a clinical case example published in GeriNotes to illustrate the application of the study findings to actual clinical practice, presented by a clinician. Attendance now tops 100 members per session! This free member benefit supports knowledge translation to the field in an easily accessible and digestible format, and promotes the profile of authors whose valuable work has been published in the JGPT. Please join us for future Journal Club events coming up on May 18 and July 20, 2021.


Journal Status: The JGPT has seen a rise in the number of submissions over the past year. We received 301 submissions in 2020. Of these, 81 (27%) were entered into the peer-review system. Manuscripts originated from the United States and 37 other countries. Of the 142 papers for which final disposition was determined in 2020, 24, or 16.9%, were accepted. We are pleased to report that Journal Citation Reports indicate a 2019 impact factor of 3.396 for the Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy, the highest achieved to date. SCImago ranks the Journal in the top 10% of Rehabilitation journals (6/68) and the top 35% of Geriatrics and Gerontology journals (17/51).


Reviewer Appreciation: Manuscripts submitted to the JGPT progress through an extensive, collaborative review process that includes the Journal's Editor, five Associate Editors, and numerous Reviewers. I am extremely grateful to our team of hard-working Associate Editors: Bill Andrews, Kevin Chui, Ann Medley, Kerstin Palombaro, and Robert Wellmon, each of whom review many submitted manuscripts and guide them through the review and revision process. Special thanks are extended to Bob Wellmon, our Social and Digital Media coordinator, whose work builds author and reader engagement with the Journal via Facebook, Twitter, etc. Working with the Editorial Team, the 93 Editorial Board members and Reviewers listed below each reviewed 1 or more manuscripts for the Journal in 2020. Their generous professional service improves the quality of JGPT publications, and we truly appreciate their dedication to advancing the standard of care in geriatric rehabilitation.


-Leslie K. Allison, Editor




Special Recognition


These individuals each reviewed 5 or more manuscripts last year:


Mateus Dias Antunes


Robert Allan Briggs


Stephen Carp


Patricia Gillette


Tamara Gravano


Elena Ioana Iconaru


Dennis Klima


Neeraj Ashok Kumar


April Michelle Roy


Harshvardhan Singh


Nancy Smith



With Sincere Appreciation


These individuals each reviewed 1 to 4 manuscripts last year:


Daniela Abreu


Rania Almajid


Sugalya Amatachaya


Marina Arkkukangas


Dale Avers


Keith Avin


Michael Bartholomew


Katherine Beissner


Michael Bemben


Richard W. Bohannon


Heather J. Braden


Kathryn E. Brown


Marybeth Brown


Tracey Collins


Nicole Dawson


Henry Deiters


Laurie Devaney


Jason Falvey


Richard Fortinsky


Stacy L. Fritz


Anne Keeler Galgon


Arzu Genc


Susan Glenney


Paras Goel


Hui-Ting Goh


Laura Z Gras


Michelle Gray


Michelle Green


Dawn Gulick


Timothy Hanke


Janine Hatch


Wendy Herbert


Rashelle Hoffman


Ethan Hood


Min Hui Huang


Kent E. Irwin


Max Jordon


Gu Eon Kang


Jaskirat Kaur


Michelle M. Lusardi


Kelly M. Lindenberg


Derek M. Liuzzo


Mark Loftin


Staci Macklin-Shearin


Corrie A. Mancinelli


Sara James Migliarese


Carol Ann Miller


Kenneth L. Miller


Marilyn A. Moffett


Gina Maria Musolino


Carol McFarland


Paulo Roberto Carvalho do Nascimento


Gina Lynne Pariser


Arco Paul


Enrique Pineda


V Prakash


Doha Rasheedy


Mindy Oxman Renfro


Thomas Rulleau


Lori Schrodt


Katharine Scrivener


Cathie Sherrington


Jaclyn Megan Sions


Kachun Siu


James M Smith


Mike Studer


Anielle Cristhine de Medeiros Takahashi


Elizabeth D. Thompson


Elaine Trudelle-Jackson


Bayram Unver


Justin Wagner


Christian Werner


Sheng-Che Yen