
  1. Gould, Kathleen Ahern PhD, MSN, RN

Article Content

McQuillan K, Makic M. Trauma Nursing: From Resuscitation Through Rehabilitation. 5th ed. Elsevier; 2020


Karen A. McQuillan and Mary Beth Makic have continued the rich tradition of this textbook, first published in 1998, to present the fifth edition using the cycle of trauma framework through a holistic lens. Each rendition of this work has created a new understanding of trauma and continues to be informed by new research and an evidence- based understanding of trauma care.

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McQuillian and Makic assembled a team of writers that continues to provide evidence-based concepts and direct new modes of therapy and advanced care for victims of trauma.


Through the years, each edition has been informed by natural disasters, terrorist attacks, and unforeseen traumatic events, creating new technology, care bundles, and informed care to nurses who care for victims of trauma. The comprehensive focus of this work continues to address the needs of the trauma patient from injury to rehabilitation and recovery.


Delivered in 5 sections and 30 chapters, new chapters in this edition address unique trauma patient populations including pregnant women, children, the elderly, bariatric individuals, burned patients, and those with a history of substance abuse. Sections address the unique needs of organ donors and their families.


This edition continues to discuss the roles of administrators, ethics personnel, and quality performance groups. Specific chapters update disaster preparedness, and response and recovery roles for nurse involved in mass casualty incidents-including guidelines for a sustained response. This work is central to the current challenges seen with a global pandemic. The text boldly discusses contemporary issues by providing updated protocols for opioid use and pain management. This timely update provides a new focus to guide the rapid-fire decisions that must be considered in the early stages of injury and continue to inform providers as they reassessed pain management at each phase of care. This edition also includes more information on cultural care and self-harm injury and brings clarity to many ethical and timely controversies in care.


For nurses or interdisciplinary staff, it is an essential resource for bedside care and serves as a teaching tool for new orientees, nurses pursuing research in this field, or nurses who are preparing for certification examinations in the area. Specific questions, answers, and rationale for each are included in each chapter and serve as discussion, teaching, and practice for certification review.


Textbooks and eTextbooks are available from the publisher on commercial sites and in digital format as an Elsevier eBook on VitalSource.