
  1. Cosman, Ilan E.
  2. Guillou, Daniel T.
  3. Cosman, Bard C.


BACKGROUND: One of the coauthors with tetraplegia (quadriplegia) and a colostomy invented an ostomy flange stabilizer to act as a temporary backplate and aid in pouch changes.


DEVICE DEVELOPMENT: In an interactive design process, a 3D-printed ostomy flange stabilizer device was created. The resulting device can be adapted to 3 standard stoma appliance sizes. The stabilizer is reversible, allowing right- and left-handed people to use it on right- or left-sided stomas. Anyone with a 3D printer can print this device from an open-access Web site.


CONCLUSION: This device may be of use to many with ostomies and especially those with impaired dexterity.


A 3D-printed ostomy flange stabilizer is described. 3D printing allows patient inventions to be disseminated without commercialization.