
  1. Chiappone, Gerald BSN, RN, CGRN
  2. Hellrung, Patricia BSN, RN, CGRN
  3. Williamson, John David RT(R)

Article Content

For many years physicians have had the opportunity to hone their technical skills through the use of animal models. The use of these models offers the participants a safe, nonthreatening and calm learning environment. In the past, we have trained nurses in the practice of manipulating endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography accessories by sitting at a table and pushing wires through catheters, and listening to someone talk about the device.


Today the gastroenterology nurse is expected to perform in an ever increasingly technical arena. The animal model provides a more realistic approach to teaching nurses about the many accessories used during endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography. This training tool will help the attendee become more competent in assisting in the endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography suite.


The model is a life like representation of the human gastrointestinal tract. It uses animal tissue mounted in a specially designed plastic case. An endoscope is advanced into the model. Trainees can practice many of the techniques such as wire guide exchange, stent placement, stone extraction and lithotripsy, dilations and tissue acquisition. Since endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography is the most technical and dangerous technique performed in the gastrointestinal unit, it is imperative to improve teaching techniques.


Section Description

We are pleased to present the Abstracts from the SGNA's 32nd Annual Course: Passion for GI Nursing: Pass It On!! The diversity of these topics certainly reflects the richness and breadth of our specialty. In keeping with the tradition of the Annual Course, we hope the following abstracts will encourage discussions for improving nursing practice and patient care outcomes.