Purpose: To evaluate the content and the technology of Web sites providing information on postpartum depression.
Study Design and Methods: Eleven search engines were queried using the words "Postpartum Depression." The top 10 sites in each search engine were evaluated for correct content and technology using the Web Depression Tool, based on the Technology Assessment Model.
Results: Of the 36 unique Web sites located, 34 were available to review. Only five Web sites provided >75% correct responses to questions that summarized the current state of the science for postpartum depression. Eleven of the Web sites contained little or no useful information about postpartum depression, despite being among the first 10 Web sites listed by the search engine. Some Web sites contained possibly harmful suggestions for treatment of postpartum depression. In addition, there are many problems with the technology of Web sites providing information on postpartum depression.
Clinical Implications: A better Web site for postpartum depression is necessary if we are to meet the needs of consumers for accurate and current information using technology that enhances learning. Since patient education is a core competency for nurses, it is essential that nurses understand how their patients are using the World Wide Web for learning and how we can assist our patients to find appropriate sites containing correct information.