
  1. Smith, Carol E. PhD, RN
  2. Rebeck, Shelby MSN, RN
  3. Schaag, Helen MS, RN
  4. Kleinbeck, Susie PhD, RN
  5. Moore, Janice M. MSW, MBA
  6. Bleich, Michael R. PhD, RN, CNAA, BC


Hospitals have restructured job duties and responsibilities in response to market pressures and in an effort to improve quality. This study presents a model for evaluating patient satisfaction outcomes following a work redesign that included the realignment of responsibility for discharge education from clinical nurse specialists to cross-trained, multidisciplinary workers. The outcomes data cannot be generalized, as they relate to a particular redesign and one institution. However, this analysis provides a framework for a systematic, multidisciplinary approach to evaluating organizational change.