
  1. Jenkins, Peggy PhD, RN
  2. Jones, Jacqueline PhD, RN, FAAN
  3. Koutlas, Alexis MSN, RN, NE-BC
  4. Courtwright, Suzanne MSN, RN, PNP
  5. Davis, Jessica FNP, AOCNP, ACHPN
  6. Liggett, Lisa RN, MSN, CCRN


We conducted an intraprofessional education pilot in which students created DNP/PhD leadership parameters through naturalistic classroom experience. Agile, participatory, action research methodology framed a project spanning 3 semesters. Students' multiple ways of knowing influenced a dynamic cycle of noticing, interpreting, acting, and reflecting. Faculty revised course content "in the moment" to meet unique student needs. Researchers analyzed data using qualitative, interpretive descriptive approach. Four key themes interpreted from intraprofessional education included (1) persistent evolutionary progression toward doctoral collaboration, (2) accelerating uptake of research- into-practice continuum, (3) intentional convergent/divergent curriculum, and (4) mutuality of leadership parameters.