
  1. Giannoccaro, Justin D. BSc
  2. Aggarwal, Sandeep MD
  3. Grace, Sherry L. PhD
  4. Campbell, Tavis S. PhD
  5. Hauer, Trina MSc
  6. Arena, Ross PhD
  7. Rouleau, Codie R. PhD
  8. for the TotalCardiologyTM Research Network


Purpose: Patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) often fail to maintain secondary prevention gains after completing cardiac rehabilitation (CR). Follow-up appointments aimed at assessing cardiac status and encouraging maintenance of health behaviors after CR completion are generally offered but not well-attended. This study explored patient characteristics and barriers associated with nonattendance at a 1-yr follow-up visit following CR completion.


Methods: Forty-five patients with CAD who completed a 12-wk outpatient CR program but did not attend the 1-yr follow-up appointment were included. Participants responded to a survey consisting of open-ended questions about follow-up attendance, a modified version of the Cardiac Rehabilitation Barriers Scale, and self-report items regarding current health practices and perceived strength of recommendation to attend. Thematic analysis was used to derive categories from open-ended questionnaire responses. Linear regression was used to assess characteristics associated with appointment attendance barriers.


Results: Barrier themes were as follows: (1) lack of awareness; (2) perception of appointment as unnecessary; (3) practical or scheduling issues; (4) comorbid health issues; and (5) anticipated an unpleasant experience at the appointment. Greater self-reported barriers (mean +/- SD = 1.97/5.00 +/- 0.57) were significantly associated with lower perceived strength of recommendation to attend the follow-up appointment (2.82/5.00 +/- 1.45), P = .005.


Conclusions: Providing a stronger recommendation to attend, enhancing patient awareness, highlighting potential benefits, and supporting self-efficacy might increase 1-yr follow-up appointment attendance and, in turn, support long-term adherence to cardiovascular risk reduction behaviors.