
  1. Warren, Hermine DNP, APRN, CANS, CNM
  2. Welch, Kim BSN, RN, CANS
  3. Coquis-Knezek, Sarah PhD


AbobotulinumtoxinA (Dysport) has a long history as a safe and effective treatment option for aesthetic rejuvenation. One of the key measures of botulinum toxin efficacy is the persistence of clinically meaningful results. The duration of efficacy depends on different factors, many of which can be controlled by the clinician to better achieve their desired results. In this review, we discuss how dose, individual patient variation, and injection technique affect the duration of botulinum toxins. Increased duration may result from increased dose or more precise placement of the toxin in the muscle. The varying anatomy and behavior of patients can affect duration as well. Measures of duration in clinical studies vary, but both a 1-grade improvement on the glabellar line severity scale and patient-reported outcomes are key measures. The clinical effects of Dysport can last up to 5 months, and patients in Dysport clinical studies remained satisfied with treatment for up to 6 months. Dysport has a legacy of safety, efficacy, and high subject satisfaction demonstrated through studies and clinical experience. Building on that legacy by correctly dosing the subject, properly accounting for the individual subject anatomy and behavior, and using specific injection techniques can help ensure that your patients have the longest lasting results.