
  1. Lipman, Terri H. PhD, CRNP, FAAN
  2. Tiedje, Linda Beth PhD, RN, FAAN

Article Content

Villarruel, A. M., Jemmott, J. B., Jemmott, L. S., & Ronis, D. L. (2004).Nursing Research, 53, 172-181.


Latino youth are disproportionately affected by the HIV/AIDS epidemic. This may be due, in part, to less use of condoms in Latinos compared to African American and white males. Clearly, interventions are necessary to promote condom usage in the Latino community. But is the Latino community homogeneous? Will interventions that are successful with English-speaking Latinos also be successful with primarily Spanish-speaking Latinos? Culture and behavior may be different in these two groups. The purpose of this study, then, was to examine predictors of sexual intercourse and condom use in a group of Spanish-dominant Latino youth.


Questionnaires examining attitudes and beliefs regarding sexual intercourse and condom use were completed by 141 Spanish-speaking adolescents. A major finding in this study was the importance of family. The adolescents' belief in parental pride related to sexual abstinence was a significant predictor of intention not to have sexual intercourse. Teens who believed that their parents approved of condoms were more likely to report intention to use condoms.


Clinical implications of these data include the need to focus on parental values and beliefs when educating Spanish-dominant Latino youth regarding sexual activity and condom use. However, the results have relevance far beyond this topic, for we as nurses have much to learn about culturally competent nursing care. This study also illustrates the importance of culturally appropriate research designs and healthcare for sub-groups of racial and ethnic populations. A comprehensive assessment, with the knowledge that populations are not homogeneous, is necessary to identify culturally effective interventions.


Comment by Terri H. Lipman