
  1. Giske, Tove

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The mission of Nurses Christian Fellowship International (NCFI) is to equip and encourage Christian nurses to integrate biblical principles and Christ-centered values in clinical practice, leadership, education, and research. One of NCFI's aims is to represent Christian nursing in the global nursing and healthcare arena. Following are two projects that I hope inspire you to find your way to joining NCFI, assisting the organization to be more visible in the international nursing arena.

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During June 27 to July 1, 2019, the International Council of Nurses (ICN) held their Congress in Singapore. NCFI hosted a booth to increase our presence and offer a Christian voice in the global nursing arena.


Wee King Tan, an NCFI International Board (IB) member and regional chair of Pacific and East Asia (PACEA) and NCF president of Singapore, and Marg Hutchinson, IB member and chair of the Media and Communication Committee worked tirelessly for more than a year to plan this event. The NCFI booth was in a prime spot and many of the 5,000 nurses who attended the Congress visited the booth to learn more about NCFI. One nurse who spoke with us said this:


The large stand-up banner could be seen from every angle and drew immediate attention to the booth. The colorful brochure and promotional video attracted my attention to the NCFI booth. This, together with a welcoming and friendly atmosphere, drew and kept visitors.


Another nurse stated, Each morning was begun by praying together. On Sunday morning, we sang worship songs. Exhibitors from neighboring booths clapped after the first song. There were smiles all round, spreading goodwill!


Most attending the Congress had never heard of NCFI; many good and informative conversations occurred. Nurses from China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan curiously inquired about NCFI. Speaking in Chinese, the nurses at our booth shared personal stories and testimonies and explained the work of NCFI. Some nurses accepted small Chinese publications regarding the Christian faith. A number were delighted to take the publications home to their friends. The Christian materials in Spanish and English were well received also, together with promotional pamphlets on NCFI and the NCFI Congress 2020 near Denver, Colorado.


Nurses from NCF Singapore, Taiwan, Denmark, and Australia volunteered their time and paid their way to Singapore to serve. The gifting of each person working the booth was evident. This allowed us to speak with nurses from various cultures and backgrounds.



In 2004, Professor Barbara Parfitt (NCFI IB member), at that time the Dean for the School of Nursing at Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland, had the vision of arranging a low-cost international student conference about spiritual care. She invited spiritual care researchers from Europe to speak, under the condition that they covered their travel costs. Donna Baldacchino (Malta), Wilfred McSherry and Linda Ross (United Kingdom), Bart Cusveller and Rene van Leeuwen (Netherlands), and Tove Giske (Norway) responded to the invitation. Since then, every other year, an international conference related to spiritual care is held in Europe. This group of researchers has applied repeatedly for funding for spiritual care research and education and was awarded a 3-year ERASMUS+ project in 2016. The EuRopean community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students (ERASMUS+) is a European Union-funded program that organizes exchange opportunities for college students. This funding made it possible to gather 31 educators from 21 countries in Europe to develop a European standard for spiritual care competences for undergraduate nursing education. Results for the Enhancing Nurses' and Midwives' Competence in Providing Spiritual Care through Innovative Education and Compassionate Care (EPICC) project are available at


One participant gave this feedback: Thank you very much for the chance to participate in the EPICC project. This has been not only refreshing, with new knowledge and ideas, but also has helped to direct my activities in this area of nursing care at my university and country.



I hope these examples inspire you to see the many ways we can work together globally to represent Christian nursing in the international nursing arena. You can stay in touch by


* Signing up for the NCFI prayer guide at mailto:[email protected]. The prayer guide offers information about upcoming events.


* Following us on our website for news at