
  1. Felman, Penny Hollander PhD
  2. Peterson, Laura E. BSN, SM
  3. Reische, Laurie BS
  4. Bruno, Lori MPH
  5. Clark, Amy BA


On June 30 and July 1, 2003, the first national meeting Charting the Course for Home Health Care Quality: Action Steps for Achieving Sustainable Improvement convened in New York City. The Center for Home Care Policy & Research of the Visiting Nurse Service of New York (VNSNY) hosted the meeting with support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Fifty-seven attendees from throughout the United States participated. The participants included senior leaders and managers and nurses working directly in home care today. The meeting's objectives were to:


1. foster dialogue among key constituents influencing patient safety and home care,


2. promote information-sharing across sectors and identify areas where more information is needed, and,


3. develop an agenda and strategy for moving forward.



This article reports the meeting's proceedings.