
Alzheimer disease, cerebral palsy, disability, hemiplegia, mobility impairment, multiple sclerosis, paraplegia, Parkinson disease, pressure ulcers, quadriplegia, spina bifida, wheelchair cushion



  1. Sprigle, Stephen PhD, PT
  2. McNair, Douglas MD, PhD
  3. Sonenblum, Sharon PhD


OBJECTIVE: To assess pressure ulcer (PU) risk in persons with mobility impairments using a large data set to identify demographic, laboratory, hemodynamic, and pharmacologic risk factors.


METHODS: The cohort of interest was persons with disabilities who have mobility impairments and are diagnostically at risk of PUs. To define this cohort, diagnoses that qualify patients for skin protection wheelchair cushions were used. Data were obtained from the Cerner Health Facts data warehouse. Two cohorts were defined: persons with and without a history of PUs. Analysis included descriptive statistics and multivariate logistic regression modeling. Variables retained in the model were identified using LASSO, gradient boosting, and Bayesian model averaging.


MAIN RESULTS: The resulting cohorts included more than 87,000 persons with a history of PUs and more than 1.1 million persons who did not have a PU. The data revealed seven disability groups with the greatest prevalence of PUs: those with Alzheimer disease, cerebral palsy, hemiplegia, multiple sclerosis, paraplegia/quadriplegia, Parkinson disease, and spina bifida. Ulcers in the pelvic region accounted for 82% of PUs. Persons with disabilities who were male or black had a greater prevalence of PUs. Physiologic risk factors included the presence of kidney or renal disease, decreased serum albumin, and increased serum C-reactive protein.


CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate that, although persons with disabilities can exhibit a wide functional range, they remain at risk of PUs and should be evaluated for proper preventive measures, including support surfaces and wheelchair cushions.