In your article on "Inserting an Indwelling Urinary Catheter in a Male Patient" (Clinical Do's and Don'ts, July 2004), you say "Advance [the catheter] 7 to 9 inches or until urine starts draining, then advance it another inch." This isn't far enough. In a male patient, you should always insert an indwelling catheter up to the catheter's Y bifurcation before you inflate the balloon. This ensures that the balloon isn't inflated while in the prostatic urethra, which would cause pain and bleeding.
Philadelphia, Pa.
Richard L. Pullen, Jr., RN, EdD, responds: Your point is well taken, but I think the literature is still split on this issue. Both methods seem to meet the standard of practice. Perhaps it would have been better to say, "Advance the catheter 7 to 9 inches or until urine starts draining, then advance it another inch, or advance it to the Y bifurcation, depending on your institution's policies and procedures."