
healthcare expenditures, financial burden, traumatic brain injury



  1. Brener, Ilona BA
  2. Harman, Jeffrey S. PhD
  3. Kelleher, Kelly J. MD, MPH
  4. Yeates, Keith O. PhD


Objective: To estimate healthcare expenditures of children with mild to moderate traumatic brain injury (TBI) outside of acute care settings.


Design: Data from the 1997-2000 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey were used to produce estimates of expenditures for a natural sample of 196 children with TBI.


Results: Expenditures for TBI-related services in children averaged $77.9 million per year. Average per capita expenditure was $1044, of which $166 was for TBI-related services and $878 was for all other health services.


Conclusion: Although total costs of TBI in children are high, the average costs are much lower than those previous reports because youth with minor trauma were not included in prior samples.