The Nurse Practitioner journal staff is delighted to welcome the United Advanced Practice Registered Nurses of Georgia (UAPRN) in a partnership that designates the journal as the official journal of UAPRN. UAPRN promotes APRN issues relating to legislative and practice areas and supports the advancement of the APRN role with an active Political Action Committee. APRN practice in Georgia is still restricted, so there is continuing work to be done.
You may have noticed beginning with the January 2020 issue that the UAPRN logo is prominently displayed on the cover of the journal, with three values highlighted-Unity, Diligence, and Compassion. As part of this full subscription adoption, all UAPRN members will receive a print copy of the journal and will have access to all online content, both current and archived. You can find out more about UAPRN on their website at
Mission of NPJ
Partnerships are an effective way for separate entities to accomplish common goals. As a reminder, The Nurse Practitioner's mission is "to meet the needs of the nurse practitioner (and other advanced practice nurses and clinicians) by providing practical, cutting-edge clinical and professional information. Our further goal is to support NPs in their pursuit of professional excellence through continuing education offerings and by providing a forum to discuss and strengthen their role in healthcare delivery." The journal offers different ways for you to send your message to other APRNs, including traditional articles; social media postings on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter; commentaries and letters to the editor, enewsletters, podcasts, and two national conferences (spring and fall). We are open to thoughtful and creative ideas to enhance communication.
A forum for communication
APRN organizational advocacy efforts benefit all APRNs within that state, whether or not they are members. Common issues among states can become national agenda items across APRN organizations. The Nurse Practitioner provides a forum for your voice on legislative and practice issues. The popular Annual Legislative Update is published each January and is filled with information on the current practice environment state-by-state. The journal also publishes columns throughout the year on advocacy efforts and legal issues relevant to NPs. Topics can range from a general issue affecting all APRNs to an issue that is specific to a defined subgroup of APRNs.
Continuing progress
As we settle into 2020, we will continue to monitor the progress of NP advocacy efforts. One such effort is the APRN Compact, a law that would authorize an APRN to hold one multistate license with privileges to practice in other compact states, similar to the established registered nurse state licensing compacts. Only three states (Idaho, Wyoming, and North Dakota) have enacted APRN Compact legislation; 10 states are needed for implementation. If you are interested in learning more about the status of the APRN Compact, which was adopted as a model law on May 4, 2015, visit Where does your state stand on this important issue that could facilitate access to care for many individuals, particularly in rural areas or during times of disaster relief? Patients should have the choice of access to an APRN.
In our current political environment, progressive changes that might benefit APRN practice are not certain. Vigilance is necessary to make sure that no areas of APRN practice authority are reversed in any state. Partnering to increase awareness of APRN issues is one strategy. We celebrate our new partnership with UAPRN and look forward to sharing information about Georgia APRN practice and efforts toward achieving full practice authority.
Jamesetta A. Newland, PhD, FNP-BC, FAANP, DPNAP, FAAN
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF [email protected]