
  1. Duff, Carol (Penny) RN

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"Family-Centered Care in the ED" (Emergency, January) reported some extremely encouraging trends. However, a frightening piece of legislation, the Federal Marriage Amendment (FMA), would deny this type of care to gay and lesbian patients and their children. In addition to prohibiting marriage or civil unions between people of the same sex, it would prohibit states from enacting legislation that affords any of the rights of marriage, including hospital visitation (particularly in the ED and ICU), inheritance, health care surrogate designations, second-parent adoption, and others. It also would prohibit gay and lesbian couples from using legal means to pursue these rights. In one sweeping move, it would remove marriage entirely from state jurisdiction and discriminate against an entire group of citizens and their children.


If the FMA is enacted, same-sex life partnerships would not officially be allowed; homosexuals whose partners died would have no legal claim to their bodies. Even the very limited rights currently afforded would be removed for more than 20 million people in this country. As an RN for 20 years and a lesbian, I know the nightmare and persecution the FMA would bring. If this amendment is passed, health care will return to the dark ages.


Carol (Penny) Duff, RN


Gulfport, FL