
  1. Murcko, Amy C. MSN, APRN, CNAA, BC

Article Content

Clinician's Pocket Reference, 10th ed.


By Leonard G. Gomella and Steven A. Haist. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2004. $34.95. ISBN 0-07-140255-1. 695 pages.


Clinician's Pocket Drug Reference: 2004.


Reviewed by Amy C. Murcko, MSN, APRN, CNAA, BC


By Leonard G. Gomella and Steven A. Haist. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2004. $9.95. ISBN 0-07-142945-X. 246 pages.


These 2 latest contributions to the Scut Monkey Pocket Reference series will be useful additions to the advanced practice nurse's library. Both books are compact in size, well organized, and current. The Clinician's Pocket Reference opens with a description of the medical "hierarchy" and tips on teamwork (ie, getting along with nurses), making rounds, and how to organize one's day. A very detailed section on how to complete and document a history and physical examination is presented, followed by content on such areas as differential diagnosis, lab interpretation, blood therapy, nutritional support, critical care, and respiratory care, to name a few. Separate chapters on bedside procedures, suturing, and pain management will be especially handy to the practicing clinician. Special features that add value to this reference book include a section on commonly used medications (potentially eliminating the need for a separate drug book), abbreviation lists, sample progress notes and order sheet, ECG interpretation, and an extensive appendix of performance scales, scores, conversion factors, and other useful tools. Multiple tables, diagrams, charts, and drawings help to present detailed information in a concise, easy to digest manner-with a touch of humor. While an abundance of information of value to the CNS is included, the book is clearly geared to medical students and hence the CNS will need to look elsewhere for nursing-specific reference materials. The tiny (3.5 x 5 in) Clinician's Pocket Drug Reference: 2004 can be easily slipped into a pocket for quick access on the units. Over 1000 drugs are listed in alphabetical order by generic name and include data on uses, action, dosage, cautions, side effects, and how it is supplied. Pediatric data are included as appropriate. An abbreviation list, classification key, index, and a variety of tables (common drug levels, acetaminophen dosing, comparison of different types of insulin, and more) round out the content. This book is appropriate for both the CNS and graduate student, both of whom will appreciate the convenient size and ease of use. Once again, however, the CNS will need to seek other reference books for essential nursing considerations.