OBJECTIVE: To validate the International Skin Tear Advisory Panel (ISTAP) Classification System in Italian.
METHODS: In collaboration with the ISTAP, the classification system was translated into Italian using a forward-back translation process. To validate the translated system, a convenience sample of 212 health professionals classified 30 photographs of skin tears originally used by ISTAP. The wound images were labeled type 1, 2, or 3 as described by the classification system. The resulting scores were compared with the ISTAP classification, and the reliability of agreement was calculated with Fleiss [kappa].
RESULTS: Complete data were obtained from 209 healthcare professionals. When the image classifications were compared with the original ISTAP indications, 72.5% of all classifications were correct. Data indicated a moderate level of agreement (Fleiss [kappa] = 0.466, range = 0.41-0.60). Data analysis showed similar agreement levels between nurses (n = 197, Fleiss [kappa] = 0.466) and nonnurses (n = 12, Fleiss [kappa] = 0.46).
CONCLUSIONS: The study validates the Italian version of the ISTAP skin tear classification system. Further studies are necessary to confirm the system's usability in Italian research and clinical settings.