
  1. Fisher, Amy A. MS, RN, CNSN
  2. Deffenbaugh, Claudia PharmD
  3. Poole, Robert L. PharmD
  4. Garcia, Manuel MD
  5. Kerner, John A. Jr MD


A 21-month retrospective review was completed at the Lucile Packard Children's Hospital to assess the experience of 22 infants and children who received alteplase for the clearance of occluded central venous access devices. After the first dose, 86% (n = 19) of the catheters cleared. Two additional catheters cleared with a second dose. With alteplase treatment, 95% (n = 21) of the catheters cleared. No adverse events were noted within 24 hours after the alteplase was received. Infusion of alteplase appeared to be safe and effective in restoring patency to occluded central venous access devices in infants and children.