


  1. Duerden, Martin DFPH, BMedSci, MRCGP
  2. Gogna, Narinder MRPharms, MBA
  3. Godman, Brian MA
  4. Eden, Kate MA
  5. Mallinson, Michael BSc
  6. Sullivan, Nick MSc


Abstract: Healthcare represents a significant proportion of UK government expenditure leading to the introduction of a number of reforms to contain costs while improving the quality and efficiency of care. Equity is also a core principle. These objectives have led to the institution of a number of central initiatives including National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE), Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN), and the National Service Frameworks (NSFs). NICE has met with variable success, with a number of activities and measures proposed to enhance its contribution. Other measures recently instituted to improve quality and efficiency include risk sharing arrangements, prescribing incentive schemes coupled with academic detailing, and outcome guarantee schemes. Ongoing reforms will continue with an aging population and pressure on resources.