Registered dietitians are the nutrition professionals who translate science into practical solutions for healthy living, and there's nowhere better than Nutrition 2019 to learn about advancements in science and how they apply to various populations.
"This is the conference that dietitians should attend to have an understanding of the science from which recommendations to the public are made," said Ann Merritt, MS, RD, a clinical dietitian at Valley Regional Hospital.
Nutrition 2019 is ideal for clinical dietitians, community dietitians, and management dieticians, whether working directly with individuals or conducting research. The event will include preconference workshops, an engaging opening session, education sessions, poster presentations, interactive exhibits, special lectures, alumni events, career development activities, and engaging and fun networking opportunities. With scientific symposia and educational sessions organized around 5 main themes, including a Clinical Track, dietitians are sure to build upon current knowledge and discover new ways to apply science to improve health. Topics to be addressed in this year's Clinical Track include the impact of diet on aging and sarcopenia; preventing the progression of chronic kidney disease; communicating the latest research to your patients, emerging technologies and current trends in food science, health apps and outcomes, nutrition, and cancer treatment and survivorship; and much more!
"ASN 2018 was one of the best conferences I've attended. The topics covered and speakers involved were both relevant and at the cutting edge of nutrition research. The opportunities to network with others in our field and related fields have proven invaluable in furthering my research and my career. I can't recommend the Nutrition conference enough," said Nicholas Marchello, MS, RD, LD, University of Kansas Medical Center.
Join us on June 8 to 11 in Baltimore for Nutrition 2019! Learn more and register today at
Comprehensive Content for Dietitians
* Obesity and diabetes
* Food as medicine
* Fad diets
* Nutrition and cancer
* Pediatric nutrition
* Sports nutrition
* Community and public health issues
* More!
Mark Your Calendar
Early Registration Deadline, March 15
Advance Registration Opens, March 16
Advance Registration Deadline, April 26
Housing Deadline, April 26
Nutrition 2019, June 8-11