
  1. Wimberley, Paige RN-CS, MSN
  2. Wiggins, Nonie CCRN, MSN


Review necessary management techniques regarding safe use of anticoagulant therapy.


Guide staff members to better management of patients receiving antithrombotic medications.


There's been an upsurge in the market of new pharmacologic agents released for the treatment of thromboembolic disorders. While these medications may have similar names and indications, their usefulness varies greatly. In fact, the safety and efficacy of these drugs hinges on individual patient situations.


Drug response monitoring proves crucial to treatment success and is inherent in the nursing role. Failure to adhere to protocols and properly monitor results may yield poor patient outcomes, increased lengths of stay, and unnecessary laboratory testing. Higher patient acuity levels necessitate that you and your staff members remain vigilant in monitoring and administering these medications to avoid errors.