
  1. Stichler, Jaynelle F. DNSc, RN, NEA-BC(r), FACHE, FAAN
  2. Pelletier, Luc R. MSN, APRN, PMHCNS-BC, FAAN
  3. Thomason, Tanna PhD, RN-BC, CNS


OBJECTIVE: This study explored the experiences, perceptions and emotional state of nurse leaders during union activities to understand the impact on their personal and professional lives.


BACKGROUND: Other than anecdotal stories shared during union negotiations and strike preparations, very little evidence exists in nursing and healthcare literature about nursing unions and their impact on nurse leaders and their organizational priorities.


METHODS: This study used an exploratory, descriptive design with a convenience and snowball sample of Association of California Nurse Leaders members.


RESULTS: The findings indicate nurse leaders experience a range of emotional states in response to union activities with perceptions of increased workload, job stress, and constrained and deliberate communications with their staff.


CONCLUSION: This study adds to the body of knowledge about nurse leader experiences and feelings during union activities.