
  1. Walker, Lorraine EdD, RN

Article Content

I was impressed by your argument that nurses who teach conduct research should first obtain a strong practice base. Then I turned a few pages and read the Viewpoint column, "Where's the Evidence?" which states "'Evidence-based practice' is not a reality for most nurses.'" A couple of pages later, NewsCAPS reports on errors in practice ("A universal protocol to prevent wrong-site, wrong-procedure, and wrong-person surgery").


Let me get this straight: baccalaureate-prepared nurses should not immediately pursue doctorates so that they can be exposed to work environments that do not support evidence-based practice are errorridden? Maybe the practice environment would benefit from the talented women and men who dare-against nursing tradition-to pursue doctoral study directly!


Many nurses pursuing graduate degrees continue their involvement in practice, in one form or another throughout their education. Some would even argue that carefully conducted research is a form of nursing practice.


Lorraine Walker, EdD, RN