In Memoriam: Dr Frederick J. Stare
Dr Frederick J. Stare, one of the nation's foremost nutritionists, died April 4, 2002, at age 91. Born in 1910, Dr Stare was for many years Chair of the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health. A prolific author, moderator of a syndicated radio program on health, and editor of Nutrition Reviews, Dr Stare was also involved in establishing early versions of the Recommended Dietary Allowances as well as the Four Food Groups.
Dickinson and Dwyer Appointed to Food and Drug Administration Food Advisory Committee
In another FDA appointment, Annette Dickinson, PhD, Vice President of Scientific and Regulatory Affairs at the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN) will serve on the FDA's Food Advisory Committee, which provides independent expert scientific advice to the FDA's evaluation of regulated products. An expert on the benefits of vitamins and minerals, Dr Dickinson will be one of the Committee's two industry representatives. Johanna Dwyer, DSc, RD, Professor of Medicine and Community Health at Tufts University and Senior Scientist, Jean Mayer Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging, at Tufts University, was also appointed. She currently serves as Assistant Administrator for Human Nutrition, Agricultural Research Service, US Department of Agriculture in Washington, DC.
Nevin Scrimshaw Awarded
Dr Nevin Scrimshaw, internationally renowned in global nutrition concerns, recently received the 2002 Society for International Nutrition Research/Kellogg Award in International Nutrition. Dr Scrimshaw is Professor and Head Emeritus of the Department of Nutrition at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Senior Advisor to the United Nations.
Crawford Deputy Commissioner of Food and Drug Administration
Lester M. Crawford Jr, DVM, PhD, was recently appointed deputy commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the nation's oldest and foremost consumer protection agency, serving as the senior official pending the installment of a permanent commissioner. Most recently head of the Center for Food and Nutrition Policy at Virginia Tech, Dr Crawford has also served as administrator of the US Department of Agriculture's (USDA's) Food Safety and Inspection Service (1987-91), as Director of the FDA's Center for Veterinary Medicine (1978-80, 1982-85), and as a practicing veterinarian. "Lester Crawford has devoted his career to promoting safer products for the public," notes Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy G. Thompson, "and with his help the FDA will continue to build on its successes in ensuring the safety of foods, drugs, and medical products for all Americans."
(Food and Drug Administration, 2/25/02)
Web Sites of Interest
From the USDA:
[black small square] Many presentations on biosecurity can be found at
[black small square] "Labeling 101," a "consumer-friendly" slide presentation on food labeling requirements:
[black small square] "Tips for the Savvy Supplement User: Making Informed Decisions and Evaluating Information":
[black small square] "Recommendations for the Labeling of Foods Obtained through Certain Techniques of Genetic Modification/Genetic Engineering," a US position paper presented at the recent International Codex Committee on Food Labeling:
From the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School's Department of Human Nutrition:
[black small square] Nutrition News, a selection of top media sources on health:
[black small square] Nutrition Literature, access to recent nutrition-related research:
[black small square] Nutrition Websites, sources of reliable nutrition, updated weekly:
Janet Greger Appointed Dean
Nutrition Today Editorial Advisory Board member Janet Greger, PhD, formerly Professor of Nutritional Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, was recently appointed Dean of the Graduate School and Vice Provost for Research at the University of Connecticut-Storrs. Congratulations!
Lichtenstein to Gershoff Chair
Alice Lichtenstein, DSc, was recently appointed the first holder of the Stanley N. Gershoff Chair in Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University. Dr Lichtenstein is an eminent scientist who has contributed greatly to our understanding of the relationship between dietary patterns, especially dietary fats and blood cholesterol components, and cardiovascular risk. Congratulations!
Nutrition Week 2002
Nutrition Week 2002, a scientific and clinical forum and exposition sponsored by the American College of Nutrition (ACN), the American Society for Clinical Nutrition (ASCN), the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ASPEN), and the North American Association for the Study of Obesity (NAASO), was held in February in San Diego, Calif. The keynote address was delivered by Hon. George McGovern on the importance of nutrition. Sponsors also included the American Society for Nutrition Sciences (ASNS) and the American Dietetic Association (ADA). Participating organizations included the American Heart Association's Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity and Metabolism; the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE); and the Society for Nutrition Education (SNE). Notable awards included:
[black small square] NAASO awarded its George Bray Founders Award to Van Hubbard, PhD, MD, of the National Institutes of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, National Institutes of Health, for his significant scientific contributions in understanding obesity.
[black small square] The Lilly Scientific Achievement Award went to David B. Allison, PhD, University of Alabama Birmingham (and Nutrition Today Editorial Advisory Board member!) for excellence in research.
[black small square] Elliot Danforth Jr, MD, received the Friends of Albert Stunkard Lifetime Achievement Award for his contributions to obesity through scholarship, mentorship, and education.
[black small square] TOPS Award for outstanding achievement went to Robert W. Jeffery, PhD, University of Minnesota. Ethan Sims Young Investigators Award finalists include WS Yancy Jr, MD; B. Mattendorfer, PhD; K. Truesdale, PhD; A. Del Parigi, MD; and K. Menehira.
[black small square] ASPEN AWARDS: N. Joseph Espat, MD received the Stanley J. Dudrick Research Scholar Award. Philip J. Schneider, MS, RPH, chaired the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ASPEN) portion of the meeting, assisted by President-Elect W. Fredrick Schwenk, MD; Vice President David A. August; Secretary-Treasurer Elizabeth Krzywda, MSN; and past President Robert F. Kushner. Also actively involved were David Driscoll, RPh, PhD; Wanda Howell, PhD, RD; Mary Marian, MS, RD; Jay Mirtallo, RPh; and Marion Winkler, MS, RD.
[black small square] Steven B. Heymsfield, MD, Professor of Medicine at Columbia University and a member of the Obesity Research Center at St. Luke's Roosevelt Hospital in New York delivered the Jonathan E. Rhoads Lecture, on "Heat and Life: the Ongoing Scientific Odyssey."
Chefs of Tomorrow
Johnson & Wales University, the world's largest culinary school and home of the renowned Culinary Archives and Museum, recently announced the winners of its National High School Recipe Contest. High school seniors, Ashlyn Smith of Bahama, NC, and Denetia Lyons of Detroit, Mich, each took home full-tuition 4-year scholarships to the University, valued at $68,000 apiece. Ms Smith's winning dish was Pan-Seared New Zealand JohnDory Fillets with Roasted Lobster Broth; Ms. Lyons won for two healthful desserts: Pumpkin and Milk Chocolate Chip Mousse Cake and Sauternes Fresh Fruit Terrine. For more information on the annual recipe contest and the University, visit For the winning recipes, contact Meredith Moore, public relations coordinator, at 401-598-2206, or [email protected].
Rodney Brown Deputy Undersecretary
Rodney J. Brown, PhD, has been appointed US Department of Agriculture (USDA)'s Deputy Under Secretary for Research, Education and Economics. A Utah native, Dr Brown received his master's degree in nutrition and food science from Utah State University and his PhD in food science from North Carolina State University. A recipient of many honors, he comes to USDA after 8 years as Professor and Dean of Agriculture at Utah State University and as Chair of the Board of Agriculture of the National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges, during which he established formal links with the Interuniversity Council on Agriculture in Europe.
Honoring Dr Mark Bieber
The work of Dr Mark Bieber, who died recently, was honored with a "Mark Bieber Symposium: Dietary Fat, Obesity, and Health-From Theory to Practice," at the 93rd Annual Meeting of the American Oil Chemists Society (AOCS) in Quebec. At his death Dr Bieber was secretary of the AOCS Governing Board. The symposium was cosponsored by the AOCS, International Food Information Council (IFIC), and the International Life Sciences Institute of North America (ILSI-NA). Mark was a strong advocate of the importance of science and equally fervent in his commitment to apply science to health and nutrition. He is sorely missed for his active mind, marvelous wit, and sage advice.