Article Content

MCN' s mission is to provide the most timely, relevant information to nurses practicing in perinatal, neonatal, midwifery, and pediatric specialties. MCN is a peer-reviewed journal that meets its mission by publishing clinically relevant practice and research manuscripts aimed at assisting nurses toward evidence-based practice.


General Manuscript Preparation


* Double spaced, Times Roman 12 point type, 11/2 inch margins all around.


* APA format (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. 5th ed., 2001).


* Number each line of text in the left margin, and each page at the top center.


* Twenty pages are the maximum, including references, tables, figures and boxes (each table, figure, or box must be on a separate page).


* Provide a running head at the top right of each page which describes the title in four words or less.


* Author identification on title page only.


* Provide a 250-word (or less) abstract (research submissions require a structured abstract).


* Send by e-mail in Microsoft Word format with entire manuscript in one file.


Specific Instructions


Title page: Include all the authors with their credentials and primary affiliations. Identify the following for the corresponding author: home and work addresses, phone and fax numbers, and e-mail address. Identify research funding sources.


Next page: Five callouts and four key words. Callouts are single sentences that highlight the main theme, the conclusion, and the clinical implications. Key words are single words that classify the manuscript. Use MeSH (Index Medicus) key words only.


Next page: Abstract of 250 words describing the purpose of the article and the clinical implications. Clinical research articles require a structured abstract with the headings: Purpose; Study Design and Methods (including data collection, sample, instruments, analysis); Results; Clinical Implications.


Next page: Begin text. Twenty pages are the maximum, including references, tables, and figures. Each table and figure must be on a separate page. Manuscripts detailing practice issues should have clearly labeled sections starting with Introduction and ending with Clinical Implications.


Clinical Research Submissions: Label sections as Introduction, Study Design and Methods, Results, and Clinical Implications. Include a separate box at the end of the manuscript containing a bulleted list of Suggested Clinical Implications. MCN only publishes research with strong Clinical Implications sections. Sample size must be described fully. Provide a power analysis whenever inferential statistics are used.


References (check each carefully for completeness and accuracy before submitting): Unpublished data, personal communication, submitted manuscripts, and non-peer-reviewed publications may not be listed as references. No more than 30 references should be included. References should not be more than 10 years old.


Tables, Figures, Boxes: Combined maximum is five, each on a separate page.


Copyright Transfer Form: Must be signed by each author. Manuscripts will not be reviewed unless this form has been completed and submitted. Obtain from (click on journals, then on MCN. then on Author Guidelines, then on Copyright Transfer Form). Fax to (631) 547-8943


Submit manuscript by e-mail in Microsoft Word format to: [email protected]


revised September 2001