
  1. Tam, Vincent H. BSc
  2. Moore, Gail E. RN, BSN, CRNI
  3. Triller, Darren M. PharmD
  4. Briceland, Laurie L. PharmD, FASHP, FCCP


Vancomycin is a glycopeptide antibiotic commonly used in the treatment of gram-positive bacterial infections. With the rising prevalence of resistant gram-positive bacterial infections in healthcare institutions and the advent of attempts to curb escalating medical cost, vancomycin isbeing used with increasing frequency in the homecare setting for infection management. In view of its variability in pharmacokinetics and the potential for toxicities, serum concentrations often are measured. This article reviews the pharmacology of vancomycin and suggests a practical approach to serum concentration monitoring in homecare.