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The organization shall be known as "Intravenous Nurses Society," hereinafter referred to as INS or the Society.



The objectives of the Society shall be:


1. To provide the benefits and protection of a qualified intravenous nurse to the patient, to the institution which the intravenous nurse serves, to members of associated health professions, and to the profession of nursing.


2. To assure a high quality of professional practice through the establishment and maintenance of standards, professional ethics, and education.


3. To promote research and education in intravenous nursing practices and in related nursing areas.


4. To disseminate knowledge by providing for interchange of information among its members of allied specialties and professions.


5. To assist in providing specialized intravenous care in every healthcare facility.




The membership of this Society shall consist of Charter, Active, Associate, Honorary, and Industrial members as defined in the Bylaws.



A. No part of the monies of the Society shall inure to the benefit of any private members or individual, nor shall the Society perform any particular services for individual members thereof.


B. Distribution of the funds, income, and property of the Society may be to charitable, educational, scientific, or religious corporations, organizations, community chests, foundations, or other kindred institutions maintained and created for one or more of the foregoing purpose if at the time of distribution the payee or distributes are exempt from income taxation, and if gifts or transfers to the payee or distributes are then exempt from income taxation under the provisions of section 501, 2055, and 2522 of the Internal Revenue Code or changes which amend or supersede the said sections.


C. In the event of distribution, the assets of the Society shall be distributed only to recipients to be selected by the Board of Directors who would qualify for an exemption as an organization described in section 501(c) (3) of the International Revenue Code of the 1986 as amended from time to time.



The officers of the Society shall be President, Presidential-Advisor, President-Elect, and Secretary-Treasurer. The President-Elect shall be elected annually for a term of one year, and shall ascend successively to the office of President and Presidential-Advisor, serving for one year in each position. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be elected biannually as provided in the Bylaws.



The Board of Directors shall consist of seven people. Four shall be the officers, two shall be Directors-At-Large, and one shall be a Public Director. The Chief Executive Officer shall be a member ex-officio of the Board of Directors.



A regional group of intravenous nurses who are members in good standing with the Society and who meet the requirements for affiliation as outlined in the Bylaws may become an Affiliate Local Chapter of the Intravenous Nurses Society upon approval of the Board of Directors of the Society.



No dissolution of this Society shall be accomplished without the vote of the members in a manner set forth in the Bylaws.