The incidence of inflammatory bowel disease has steadily increased in children within the last decade. As young adults transition into the adult healthcare system, lack of support can lead to disease exacerbations and disease-related complications. The purpose of this scoping review was to examine the current healthcare transition literature in pediatrics and young adults with inflammatory bowel disease, with a particular focus on assessment or screening tools to evaluate healthcare transition readiness. Five most relevant databases were searched. Of these, 22 articles met the inclusion criteria and key findings from these are summarized. The majority of articles focused on adolescents or young adults with inflammatory bowel disease and were primarily published in the United States. Since 2008, there has been a growing trend in publications of inflammatory bowel disease healthcare transition literature. Articles were often described as healthcare transition readiness assessment tools, patient outcomes following transition, or transition experiences and barriers. An understanding of the current literature on the readiness assessment and support strategies is required to promote an improved quality of life for pediatric and young adult patients living with inflammatory bowel disease.