
Part-Time Nurse Faculty, Professional Identity, Role Transition, Transformative Learning, Two-Year Institutions



  1. Owens, Rhoda A.


AIM: This study explored two-year institution part-time nurse faculty's perceptions of their experiences during their role transitions from nurses in clinical practice to part-time clinical instructors.


BACKGROUND: Part-time nurse faculty enter academia as expert clinicians, but most have little or no training in the pedagogy of effective student learning.


METHOD: A phenomenological study was used to explore the faculty role transition experiences.


RESULTS: Findings support the proposition that six participants transitioned from their expert clinician to instructor identities; however, two continue in the process. Critical to this process are relationships with individuals in their environments, past and present experiences, the incentive to learn to be better instructors, and the importance of support and training.


CONCLUSION: A model emerged, Process of Role Transition and Professional Identity Formation for Part-Time Clinical Instructors at Two-Year Institutions, that is potentially useful for administrators in developing individualized orientation and professional development programs.