
  1. Dalton, Joanne M PhD, RN, CS

Article Content

Home Therapy OASIS Assessment Forms: OASIS Integrated Documentation Records for Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech-Language Pathology L. H. Kurlish. Home Therapy Services, 1999. 140 pages. $135.00


Home Therapy OASIS Assessment Forms contains 140 pages of integrated OASIS B-1 forms for physical therapists, occupational therapists, and speech-language therapists. The forms may be useful for managers and clinician who practice in agencies that do not have integrated therapy forms. The manual may also be useful for managers who were introducing new therapy staff to OASIS B-1 forms.


The manual includes all of the HCFA mandated OASIS B-1 forms for therapists in an integrated format: start of care, transfer to inpatient facility, resumption of care, recertification (follow-up), discharge, and death at home.


The start-of-care forms are 15 to 16 pages in length and contain therapists specific assessment criteria as well as the required OASIS B-1 data set. All of the follow-up forms are 13 pages in length. All therapists can use the 2-page transfer form. The 14-page discharge form is individualized for each discipline and includes a page for a discharge summary. The 1-page death-at-home form is discipline neutral. The OASIS B-1 items are in HCFA numerical order.


The manual also includes a comprehensive assessment/OASIS grid. In a concise manner, the grid presents the required OASIS data collection time points, definitions of the various data collection time points, the required time frame in which the data must be collected and the personnel who are required to perform the assessments. This grid would be useful in orienting therapy and nursing staff to the OASIS forms.


It would have been helpful to have these forms on computer discs, although agency processes may be different for the nursing OASIS forms. This book can be useful as an approach to teaching everyone about OASIS.


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