The authors of the above article, published in the March/April 2015 issue of JCRP, have noted the following corrections, in order to rectify copyright concerns related to the Morisky Medication Adherence Scale (MMAS-4):
1. Reference 25 should read: Morisky DE, DiMatteo MR. Improving the measurement of self-reported medication nonadherence: Response to authors. J Clin Epidemiol. 2011;64:255-63.
2. Scoring information for the MMAS on page 116 should be disregarded, specifically this section: "Response options are 'yes' I agree with the statement or 'no' I do not. Responses are summed and a total score of < 4 indicates nonadherence."
3. The following footnote should be applied to Tables 2 and 4 and added to the Acknowledgments section: "MMAS-4 is protected by US and International Trademark and Copyright laws. Permission for use is required. A license agreement is available from: MMAS Research LLC 14725 NE 20th St. Bellevue WA 98007."