
  1. Durham, Marianne L. DNP, RN, CPPS
  2. Egan, AnnMarie DNP, APN, AGACNP-BC, CCRN
  3. Jankiewicz, Ann PharmD, BCPS, FASHP
  4. Murphy, Marcia P. DNP, ANP, FAHA, FPCNA
  5. Nedved, Patricia MSN, RN, CENP, FABC
  6. Luvich, Renee BSN, CMSRN
  7. Goh, Ann MD
  8. Fogg, Louis PhD


OBJECTIVE: The aims of the project are to increase knowledge related to opioids and improve adherence to evidence-based interventions for sedation monitoring and assessment in adult inpatients receiving opioids for pain through delivery of an interprofessional online program.


BACKGROUND: Preventable opioid-induced respiratory depression is a patient safety risk in hospitals. Sedation and respiratory assessment and monitoring guidelines and tools are available to improve practice.


METHODS: An interprofessional team identified organization-specific drivers of opioid-induced sedation and respiratory depression using process improvement methodology, developed interventions, and evaluated clinician opioid knowledge and documentation practice.


RESULTS: Opioid knowledge survey responses improved after the interventions. Audits showing improved appropriate documentation by RNs of the correct sedation scale were performed over 2 separate 3-month periods.


CONCLUSIONS: Clinicians demonstrated increased knowledge about newly adopted sedation and monitoring practices targeted to prevent opioid-induced respiratory depression.