
  1. Alexander, Mary MA, RN, CRNI(R), CAE, FAAN

Article Content

Research, 1 of the 5 pillars of INS' mission, expresses our commitment to "advancing best practice through evidence-based practice and research."1 Infusion nurses think about the impact of research on our practice every day, when we consider whether our practice is based on the most recent evidence. While we all recognize the importance of conducting research, it's important, too, that we understand the significance of participating in research, whether by completing surveys, providing feedback, collecting data, or enrolling subjects.

Mary Alexander, MA, ... - Click to enlarge in new windowMary Alexander, MA, RN, CRNI(R), CAE, FAAN INS Chief Executive Officer Editor,

INS is fortunate to be partnering with the research team of Benjamin Dunford, PhD, at Purdue University. While we might think collaborating with a school of nursing would be a natural fit, our partners at Purdue are from the Krannert Graduate School of Management. On reflection, however, our collaboration is a natural fit: management and business relate to the business of infusion nursing.2 Moreover, the disciplines of management and business provide insight into organizational behavior and culture in health care organizations. Depending on their nature, these can potentially affect the outcomes they obtain.


As in nursing, we enjoy a collaborative relationship with our research partners at Purdue, each of us bringing our particular expertise to the work. INS brings knowledge of clinical practice; identifies questions and issues to be researched, as well as gaps in our knowledge; and adds clarity to survey questions. Team Purdue contributes its specialized knowledge of the research process, including study design, synthesis of data, identification of themes, and formulating recommendations. Together, we publish and disseminate data. We build upon what we have learned to advance the profession of infusion nursing. And lastly, we identify additional research gaps and opportunities.


The first phase of a multiphase study we have planned examines the differences between health care organizations that use infusion teams and those that use the primary care model of infusion therapy delivery. The results of this work will provide implications for clinical practice and organizational development. Building on this initial work, we will conduct a second survey to further refine the data we have already collected.


INS values its partnership with our colleagues at Purdue University. If asked, I encourage you to participate in the second survey. Your input and feedback are invaluable as we develop strategies that will impact patient care and clinical practice.


Through this fruitful partnership with our Purdue University research partners, INS looks forward to continuing to develop and support evidence-based practices for the infusion nursing specialty. Together we'll make a difference!


Mary Alexander




1. Infusion Nurses Society. About us: mission and values. INS website. http:// Accessed June 23, 2017. [Context Link]


2. Hadaway L, Wise M, Orr M, Bayless A, Dalton L, Guerin G. Making the business case for infusion teams: the purpose, people, and process. J Infus Nurs. 2014;37(1):321-346. [Context Link]