
  1. Vourakis, Christine PhD, RN, FIAAN, FAAN

Article Content

It is both an honor and a pleasure to introduce two outstanding experts in psychiatric-mental health nursing and addictions as the Co-Editors of this special topic issue on "Nursing Roles in the Care of Patients with Substance Use Disorders."

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Madeline Naegle, PhD, CNS-PMH, BC, FAAN received her PhD in Education at New York University (NYU) and is a Professor at NYU in Rory Meyers College of Nursing. In addition to her faculty role, she is a psychotherapist in private practice in New York City.


Dr. Naegle is the Associate Deputy Director, Dissemination and Implementation Core Center for Drug Use and HIV Research (NIDA P30), NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing. She is the recipient of two Fulbright awards and serves as Director, WHO/PAHO Collaborating Center for Geriatric Nursing Education, NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing and is Co-Investigator, Project SARET, NIDA R 25.


Numerous national awards and honors for her work in the area of psychiatric-mental health nursing, substance abuse and substance use disorders have been bestowed on her. Most notably, she was honored with the prestigious Hildegarde Peplau Award by the American Nurses Association in 2002.


Dr. Naegle serves on seven national and international editorial boards and has published over 100 journal articles, book chapters, editorials, Op-ed articles and position statements. As a member of nursing and inter-professional organizations, she has written and advocated for substance use policies, addictions nursing and management of impaired nursing practice. She has extensive policy experience and in addition to her other current commitments in this area she is a member of the Nurses Advisory Panel to the Commissioner, NYS Office of Alcohol and Substance Abuse Services (OASAS).


We are fortunate to have someone with Dr. Naegle's knowledge and expertise in health policy, education and research Co-Edit this special topic issue for the journal.


Merry Armstrong Fougere, received her DNSc at the University of San Diego in California and is an ARNP with prescriptive authority in the State of Washington. Now retired from full-time teaching, she is Professor Emerita at Washington State University College of Nursing in Spokane, Washington, where she taught in the graduate and undergraduate programs. She has presented nationally and internationally on the topic of addictions and has taught in Komagane, Japan and guest-lectured on neurological phenomena of addictions in Chaing-Mai, Thailand.


As a clinician, she maintains a private practice as an ANCC certified Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner and certified Jungian Analyst. Her practice includes working with teenagers who are inpatients at an inpatient recovery center. She is Past President of the Association of Advanced Practice Psychiatric Nurses of Washington State.


Dr. Armstrong Fougere is an accomplished researcher and has presented her work both nationally and internationally. She has numerous grants and publications in the area of mental health and addictions. Her accomplishments are noted by the many awards and honors she has received for her work. A highlight, is the Nurse Excellence Award, from the State of Washington Association of Advance Practice Psychiatric Nurses in 2012. She has also received researcher and community service awards through the International Nurses Society on Addictions, and graduate teaching awards through Washington State University.


She is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Addictions Nursing and as such reviews manuscripts, and wrote a standing column in that publication, "Resource Watch". She is currently the President of the Foundation for Addictions Nursing.


We are so privileged to have Dr. Armstrong Fougere with her knowledge and expertise as a practitioner, educator, and researcher Co-Edit this special topic issue of the Journal.


On occasion, the Journal features distinct columns for topics that do not fit into our regular columns. In this issue, we are including, "In Brief," a column for a report on a WHO Forum on Alcohol, Drugs and Addictive Behaviors. One of this issue's Co-Editors, Dr. Naegle, has prepared a report on this forum for the Journal.


Lastly, all you nurses' out there practicing in settings in which you care for individuals, groups, families or communities with actual or potential problems with addictions, don't forget to consider submitting those "clinical pearls" for our column on "Stories from the Field" Edited by Dr. Al Rundio. (As noted by Dr. Rundio, "This column focuses on the "nitty gritty" of what one sees and has learned from practice in addictions nursing. It is sharing the "pearls" that we have gathered so that others can implement these "pearls" to improve their practice as well. By doing this, many more individuals will benefit from our knowledge and experiences"). Dr. Rundio can be reached at mailto:[email protected] or mailto:[email protected].