
  1. Section Editor(s): Hess, Cathy Thomas BSN, RN, CWOCN

Article Content

Coloplast Corporation

SeaSorb Alginate Dressing. This improved version of the SeaSorb dressing offers increased absorptive capability and improved patient comfort. SeaSorb is the only alginate created through freeze-dried technology that provides ease of clinical application and consistent wound coverage. The dressing can be cut, shaped, and fitted to the wound area and remains intact for easy removal. SeaSorb possesses vertical wicking action to pull exudate away from the wound surface, minimizing the risk of maceration. Available in 1 1/2" x 2 1/2" (4 x 6 cm) and 4" x 4" (10 x 10 cm) sizes.


[black up pointing small triangle] HCPCS code: A6196


[black up pointing small triangle] Information: 1-800-533-0464; E-mail: [email protected]; Web site:; circle reader service no. 200.



Cytoscan Video Microscope. Provides real-time in vivo images of human microcirculation without the use of fluorescent dyes. The microscope's imaging technology creates a virtual back-lighting within the tissue and has been validated to produce results equivalent to intravital microscopy. The Cytoscan system includes base and display units, 5x probe, and software.


[black up pointing small triangle] Information: 215-574-7000 or 1-877-572-3600; fax: 215-574-7099; Web site:; circle reader service no. 201.


Olympus, Inc and Polaroid Corporation

FIGUREC-211 ZOOM. This new camera offers filmless digital camera capture with a built-in instant photo printer, creating a new imaging category, "digital photo printing cameras." With the camera, health care professionals who need quality instant prints for documentation can capture digital images and print out high-quality photos on the spot, without the use of a computer. The 2.1 mega pixel camera offers 1600 x 1200 resolution, optical glass zoom, 2x digital zoom, and a 2-inch LCD monitor for viewing and playback.

Figure. No caption a... - Click to enlarge in new windowFigure. No caption available.

[black up pointing small triangle] Information: 1-800-816-2611, ext. D254;; circle reader service no. 202.