After reading "Replacing the ACA" (Policy and Politics, June), I could not agree more that there is a disparity in the workplace, regardless of industry, when it comes to the salaries and roles of men and women. Thus, I find it shameful that the current administration is compounding this already glaring problem by cutting funding and attempting to take away care, such as the services offered by Planned Parenthood, which has provided valuable and affordable care to women for over 100 years.
Also, as was noted, the Affordable Care Act enabled those who were marginalized to receive health care, but now that is subject to change. As medical professionals, we have a civic duty to take a stand and make our voices heard against this injustice. Overall, we have the power to change the future of America not only for the impoverished, but for everyone. While its meaning may be broad, I believe we all must embrace the last line of the Nightingale Pledge that we recited on completion of our schooling: "and devote myself to the welfare of those committed to my care."1
Keith Rebisz, BSN, RN
Tampa, FL