The work of reviewing is essential to the advancement of neurologic physical therapy practice and science. We are grateful to the following individuals who shared their knowledge and expertise by serving as reviewers in 2012.
The asterisk (*) denotes Editorial Board Members.
Louise Ada*
Odessa Addison
Mitchell Batavia*
Marianne Beninato
Julie Bernhardt*
C. Scott Bickel
Sandra Billinger*
Marghuretta Bland
Shaun Boe
Richard Bohannon
Michael Borich
Mark Bowden
Lara Boyd
Janet Callahan
James Cavanaugh
Cory Christiansen
Jack Crosbie
Kathleen Curtis
Annelies de Wolf
Annegret Dettwiler
Judy Deutsch
Simone Dorsch
Kari Dunning*
Coralie English
Terry Ellis*
Christina Faria
Lois Finch
Beth Fisher*
Gerard Fluet
Bo Foreman
Che Fornusek
Laura Gilchrist
Joanne Glinsky
Regina Harbourne
Jocelyn Harris
Cathy Harro
Chris Hass
Leanne Hassett
Lois Hedman
Phu Hoang
Larisa Hoffman
T. George Hornby*
Kurt Jackson
Michal Kafri
Herb Karpatkin
Emily Keshner
Teresa Jacobson Kimberley
Nancy Kirsch
Tara Klassen
Anne Kloos*
Patricia Kluding
Jochen Kressler
Merrill Landers
Anne Lannem
David Lehman
Michael Lewek*
Susan Linder
James Lynskey
Marilyn MacKay-Lyons
Greg Marchetti*
Karen McCulloch
Ellen McGough
Jennifer Moore
Julie Mount
Anne Mucha
Kara Patterson
Patricia Pohl
Valerie Pomeroy*
Lori Quinn
Darcy Reisman*
Lorie Richards
Brian Schilling
Arlene Schmid
Patricia Shewokis
Catherine Siengsukon
Barbara Singer
Beth Smith
Patrick Sparto
Richard Staines*
Tina Stoeckmann
Michael Studer
Jane Sullivan
Luci Teixeira-Salmela*
Eva Widerstrom-Noga
Gavin Williams
Laurie Wishart*
Jaynie Yang*