The work of reviewing is essential to the advancement of neurologic physical therapy practice and science. We are grateful to the following individuals who shared their knowledge and expertise by serving as reviewers in 2009.
Nicole Elizabeth Acerra, PT, PhD
Lucinda Baker, PT, PhD
Theresa Bernsen, PT, MA
Mary Tischio Blackinton, PT, EdD
Susy Braun, PT, PhD
Laura Busick, PT, MS, DPT, NCS
Phil Chilibeck, PhD
Jennifer Braswell Christy, PT, PhD
Carmen Cirstea, MD, PhD
Helen Cohen, OTR, EdD
Evan Cohen, PT, MA, NCS
Tracey Collins, PT, PhD
Rachel Cowan, PhD
Beth Crowner, DPT, NCS
Kathleen Cullen, PhD
Vanina Dal Bello Haas, PT, PhD
Shannon de l'Etoile, PhD
Judy Deutsch, PT, PhD
Ruthy Dickstein, PT, DSc
Kari Dunning, PT, PhD
Gammon Earhart, PT, PhD
Terry Ellis, PT, PhD, NCS
Lisa Farrell, PT, PhD
Nancy Fell, PT, PhD
Dennis Fell, PT, MD
Daniel Ferris, PhD
Beth Fisher, PT, PhD
Julaine Florence, PT, DPT
Cheryl Ford Smith, PT, MS, NCS
Bo Foreman, PT, PhD
George Fulk, PT, PhD
Kenda Fuller, PT, NCS
Meryl Roth Gersh, PT, PhD
Laura Gilchrist, PT, PhD
Diana Glendinning, PT, PhD
Joyce Rios-Gomes, PT
Phyllis Guarrera-Bowlby, PT, Med, PCS
Kimberly Harbst, PT, PhD
Cathy Harro, PT, MS, NCS
Lisa Harvey, PT, PhD
Jennifer Hastings, PT, PhD
Lois Hedman, PT, MS
Susan Herdman, PT, PhD
Larisa Hoffman, PT, PhD
T. George Hornby, PT, PhD
Arun Jayaraman, PT, PhD
Therese Johnston, PT, PhD
Herb Karpatkin, PT, NCS
Valerie Kelly, PT, PhD
Teresa Jacobson Kimberley, PT, PhD
Patricia Kluding, PT, PhD
Tania Lam, PT, PhD
David Lehman, PT, PhD
Stephanie Lew, SPT
Mike Lewek, PT, PhD
Michele Lewis, MPT
Yang Hua Lin, PhD
Wen Ling, PT, PhD
Michael Majsak, PT, EdD
Francine Malouin, PT, PhD
Avril Mansfield, PhD
Karen McCulloch, PT, PhD, NCS
Vicki Mercer, PT, PhD
Alma Merians, PT, PhD
Anat Mirelman, PT, PhD
James Moore, PT, PhD, PCS
Laura Morris, PT, NCS
Sarah Morrison, PT
Susanne Morton, PT, PhD
Kurt Mossberg, PT, PhD
Katharina Mueller, PhD
Roberta Newton, PT, PhD
Susan Perry, PT, DPT, NCS
Samuel Pierce, PT, PhD, NCS
Patricia Pohl, PT, PhD
Barbara Quaney, PT, PhD
Lori Quinn, PT, EdD
Darcy Reisman, PT, PhD
Rose Marie Rine, PT, PhD
Mark Rogers, PT, PhD
Margaret Roller, PT, MS, DPT
Dorian Rose, PT, PhD
Sandy Ross, DPT, MHS, PCS
Matthew Scherer, PT, PhD
Brian Schilling, PhD
Michael Schubert, PT, PhD
Neil Shepard, PhD
Catherine Siengsukon, PT, PhD
Martha Sliwinski, PT, PhD
Britta Smith, PT, MMSc
Stephen Sprigle, PhD
James Stephens, PT, PhD
Jane Sullivan, PT, DHS
Matthew Taylor, PT, PhD
Gregory Thielman, PT, EdD
Julie Tilson, PT, DPT, NCS
Suzanne Tinsley, PT, PhD
Eugene Tunik, PT, PhD
Eric Vidoni, PT, PhD
Joanne Wagner, PT, PhD
Susan Whitney, PT, PhD
Patricia Winkler, PT, DSc
Jonathan Wolpaw, PhD
Diane Wrisley, PT, PhD